Friday, July 15, 2011

Yu Youren: Master of Cursive Calligraphy 于右任: 当代草圣

Yu Youren (1879-1964) was a politician and calligrapher. He was born in the town of Hedaogang in Sanyuan County, Shanxi Province north of Xian, China. He was known for his efforts in helping to overthrow the Qing dynasty and to found the Republic of China. Following the loss of Mainland China to Communist forces, Yu follows the Chinese Nationalist government to Taiwan in 1949 at the age of 71.
Devoting his life to serving the people in government office, Yu Youren’s fervent study of calligraphy is immediately apparent, for his works continue to be admired for their simple yet direct beauty. He was well known for his cursive script calligraphy and for his achievement, he was known as Comtempory Sage of Cursive Script. He left behind many works, most of which are in the form of scrolls. Of increasing attention are other works of his that were carved into stone, mostly found at Pamir Culture Park on Five Finger Mountain (Wuzhishan) in the suburbs of Taipei. In addition, Yu Youren did title plaques for a number of organizations, ranging public and private organizations to temples, clinics, and even shops.
Yu Youren also was well known for his effort in creating and promoting the Standardised Cursive Script. In 1932, he set up the Society of Standardised Cursive Script in Shanghai. In his study and research on Standardised Cursive Script, he followed strictly the principles that it must be easy to read and easy to write, the writing must be accurate and that its form must be bueatiful. The finalized result of his research was published in a book entiled ‘The Thousand Characters Essay in Standardised Cursive Script’ (first published by the Shanghai Wenzheng Publishing House in 1936), whose influence on comtemporary calligraphy is far-fetched. This book is still in print today.

于右任(1879 -1964)是当代政治家与书法家。他出生于陕西省三元县的河道。他一生努力于推翻满清政府与建立中华民国。国民党在中国大陆败给共产党后,他随着国民政府到台湾,当时已经 71 岁。

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