Friday, January 25, 2013

Wang Anshi: About Plum Blossoms 王安石:梅花

Wang Anshi (1021 – 1086) was a Chinese economist, statesman, and poet of the Song Dynasty

His poem "Plum Blossoms" is widely written by calligraphers. In the corner of the courtyard stands a plum tree with only a few branches. The poem does not elaborately describe its attractive blossoms but focus upon its spirit. Braving the hard cold and the icy snow it won’t assert itself publicly nor vie with other kinds of flowers for beauty. Instead, it retains its white and purity like winter snow. Defying the piercing cold, it blossoms in solitude, stealthily giving off a faint perfume. While truly depicting the shape, color and scent of the plum tree, the poet implicity celebrates the pristine and noble quality of plum trees.

Plum Blossoms 
Some plum blossoms in the corner of wall appear; 
They strive to bloom alone in the cold severe.
We know from far that they are not snow white:
For their faint fragrance comes still and quiet.

王安石(1021- 1086)是宋代经济学家、政治家与诗人。他的诗“梅花”为书法家所喜爱。这首小诗意味深远,而语句又十分朴素自然,没有丝毫雕琢的痕迹。在古人吟唱梅花的诗中,有一首相当著名,那就是在作者之前,北宋诗人林逋的《山园小梅》。


1 comment:

  1. Very Beautiful... Calligraphic Presentation... Demonstration As Well...
