Thursday, November 12, 2009

Singapore Senior Citizen Calligraphy University Centre 新加坡老年书法大学

The Singapore Senior Citizen University Centre was registered and set up by the Singapore Calligraphy Association on 7 September 2004. It received its first batch of 13 students in 2005. These students graduated in 2007. The second batch of 14 students graduated in 2008. This year, the third batch of 17 students will have their graduation ceremony held on 14 Nov 09.
It is claimed to be the first of its kind of educational institutions in the South East Asian region. The main aim of the three-year programmes is to help mature students who are successful individuals from all walks of life, to reach a higher level of self-actualization and personal fulfilment. Students who successfully complete the course will be conferred the title of Calligrapher by the centre.
Besides attending normal lessons and practice calligraphy, students are also strongly encouraged to attend overseas cultural programmes conducted by Tongji University in Shanghai and organise overseas trips to widen their knowledge beyond calligraphy.
The study year is divided into two teaching semesters. The first and second semester start in February and July respectively. There are 13 weekly-lessons in each semester and each lesson lasts 3 hours. The course fee is S$1,200 per semester or S$2,400 per year.
The students must fulfil the following course requirements:

1. 80% class attendance,
2. Submit three calligraphic works that must be passed by the centre’s Examination Board, and
3. Submit 10 essays on topics decided by the centre.

The calligraphic works of this year’s students can be viewed at the Singapore Calligraphic Centre from 14 to 19 November everyday from 12 pm to 5 pm.

每学年分为两个学期。第一学期于二月,第二学期于七月开学。每个学期上课十三次,每课三小时。每学期的学费为新元$1,200 或每学年新元$2,400。


1. 上满80%的课,
2. 提交三件书法作品通过“毕业生作品审查委员会”,与
3. 呈交十篇由校方指定题目的论文。



  1. Minister's last year message mentioned that 'It is the pioneer in the field to offer a degree-course education.'

    Not bad, to complete a degree-course by attending 86 to 107 hours of lectures and calligraphy practice sessions.

    Probably this is the first in the region as well.

  2. 今年的书大毕业作品,应景作秀明显减少,同学努力书写,可喜可贺。

  3. 2010书大毕业作品又展出了。今年的毕业特刊封面用了美术字体印了书大二字,看来怪怪的,可谓输大矣。把老年与生力军联系起来,亦是我们的悲哀。书大至今有四届毕业生,看来只有去年天上掉下个卢志强,书法水准为书大至今惟一高峰,这届难以望其颈背。难怪陈教授当时认为天上掉个林妹妹不难。这届看来没掉下另一个林妹妹,所以只好指望同学们自发地开一张支票给母校,说是崇高美德,外人可能认为是图穷匕首见,前途!钱途!呜乎哀哉!

  4. 把这些老年人与生力军挂钩,并不可悲,反而可喜。他们的钱途无量,这样使到由前面的风雨四十年,迈向以后的风光四十年,值得重点培养。以自发性支票来看,已初见成果矣!如果花时间在年轻人身上,以他们叛逆性格,所得到的可能是狂风暴雨的另四十年,那又何苦呢?
